
Zach and Christy Yoder in Scripture Engagement

Our family

Christy and Zach have been working in Nigeria (and Cameroon) since 2007 helping people use the Bible once it has been translated into their language.  They have particularly enjoyed being a part of training Bible study leaders using the audio version of the Bible as well as training children's ministry workers.


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Just write us a note (zach_yoder+yodelings@wycliffe.org) if you would like to commit to partnering with us.  (Including prayer and/or financial partnership!)

If you want to give online, you can do that here: Online giving
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Overheard in Nigeria

“We used to listen to men of God, now we are hearing God himself.”

— A grandmother from Mwaghavul
“I have been going to church and not understanding the Hausa they are using, but today, I have heard God's Word.”

— A Nyankpa woman
“Come, listen to this, it is in our language.”

— Another Nyankpa woman, upon hearing the Gospel of Mark in Nyenkpa


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Zach and Christy Yoder with Wycliffe
Photos © Zach and Christy Yoder except center photo of Nyenkpa woman by Jono Barnhoon (used with permission).
Photos are representative, not the actual women quoted.